Brian The Marketer

What are Optimizations?

Optimizations here refers to the all aspects that improve or progress the effectiveness among your marketing efforts. Through sufficient use of popular industry tools, we can enhance the performance of our websites, advertisements, social media accounts, and email campaigns. In order to operate these tools to their full potential, fundamental principles of each channel within optimizations will be looked into. These would include:

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Search Engine Marketing 
  • Social Media Marketing 
  • Email Marketing

Search Engine Optimization

We all use search engines. It would be a rare occasion if we go a day without having to google a “how to” in an effort guide our daily needs or calm the curious nerve about “what causes  a headache”. People everyday use search engines more often than not and it is important we understand how to operate and work with these search engines so that we may be able to reach our audience in as the most effective manner as possible. 

Search Engine Marketing

Can you count how many times you have seen an advertisement displayed when searching for something on Google? How about when you are browsing through Facebook or Instagram? Even further, how many of those advertisements do you remember? Online display has taken a considerable role among the world of  advertisements and it is imperative to understand what makes a captivating ad and one that also converts. 

Social Media Marketing

Since the dawn of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn and others, the world’s eyes and voice seems to be pointed at the digital world of social media. With it’s exponential development in popularity, it would be a rare sight to see someone in the modern age without some sort of social media account. With the realization that many of our own grandmother’s hold social media accounts, there’s enough information to indicate that social media marketing as a worthwhile avenue to optimize. 

Email Marketing

Can you guess what one of the most effective digital marketing channels is? Well, if it wasn’t obvious enough yet, it would be email marketing! With some of the highest conversion rates among marketers and astounding ROI figures, email marketing is still one of the vintage marketing channel’s that maintains it’s merit in a saturated environment of tools to share your message. By directly speaking to your consumer’s, you hold the opportunity and ability to share personalized messages on a new level.

Have a Look at Our Articles for Optimizations

Email Marketing

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